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Certified organic, certified kosher and/or wildcrafted.


This herbal blend was formulated to help strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons with it's anti-inflammatory properties and nutrients for the body, as well as helping athletes to recover from injury.


Available in 3 variations by cups. 

Due to the volume of some herbs, the amount of cups could weight as little as 2 oz or as much a 6 oz, more or in between. 

When you see 1 -2 tsp per cup, please know that 1 tsp spoon will get you more cups of tea, but 2 tsp will give more flavor, unless specified teaspoon amount.

Musculoskeletal Support Herbal Tea Blend

Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
PriceFrom $19.94
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Amla Berries: this Ayurvedic herb is known as the most powerful superfood. Amalaki or amla is an Indian gooseberry and packs a big healing punch in a very small amount. It fosters a healthy immune system: Highly nourishing and rejuvenating to the tissues, amalaki supports robust health in the entire physiology. Amalaki provides support and nutrition to the digestive tract, inner and outer skin, arteries, and liver. The healing properties of Amalaki extend to all tissues. It also has the ability to increase Ojas, meaning that it enhances energy, immunity, and fertility. NUTRITIONAL: vitamin C, A and E. Known for its very high vitamin C content. Iron and calcium. THIS IS AN HERB EVERYONE OF USE SHOULD BE TAKING!

    Lemon Balm: Lemon water helps reduce some symptoms of arthritis when consumed alongside your normal medicine routine. Promoting collagen synthesis and tendon repair.

    Oatstraw: rich in silica which is needed by all connective tissues. It has a long history of use in cases of rheumatism and is useful for all types of connective tissue strengthening including cartilage, ligaments, tendons, teeth, hair and nails.

    Ashwagandha: helps reduce the degradation of joints, pain, and swelling, and may help improve joint mobility in people living with osteoarthritis.

    White WIllow Bark: nature's asprin; commonly employed as a complementary therapy for pain and inflammation management, such as those related to low back pain, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, and headaches.

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