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Certified organic, certified kosher and/or wildcrafted.


This herbal blend was formulated to helps with a variety of hormonal issues; relieve cramps, (PMS), and menopausal symptoms and is also nutirent rich for your body. 


Available in 3 variations by cups. 

Due to the volume of some herbs, the amount of cups could weight as little as 2 oz or as much a 6 oz, more or in between. 

When you see 1 -2 tsp per cup, please know that 1 tsp spoon will get you more cups of tea, but 2 tsp will give more flavor, unless specified teaspoon amount.

Hormone Balance Support (women) Herbal Tea Blend

Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
PriceFrom $24.58
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • 100% certified organic, kosher.

    Raspberry Leaf: high in nutrients. Many use it for its calming properties and balancing of hormones, PMS. Raspberry leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, vitamins B, C, and E. It contains bioflavonoids that tone the circulatory system, tannins that remove harmful invaders from the body, antioxidants, and fragerine alkaloids that work with other constituents to tone and relax pelvic and uterine muscles. 

    Nettle Leaf:  has effects on sex hormone-binding globulin, histamine-induced prolactin release, and serotonin-induced release of thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Nettle is also high in silica; silica is a master at rebuilding joints, growing strong hair and improving your skin's elasticity. treats painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. Treats urinary problems during the early stages of an enlarged prostate. A staple in herbal medicine since ancient times, such as to treat arthritis and back pain.

    Dong Quai: helps with a variety of hormonal issues; relieve cramps, (PMS), and menopausal symptoms. Also a blood purifier, dong quai manages hypertension, infertility, joint pain, ulcers, anemia, and constipation. Can also help with the onset of allergic attacks.

    Licorice Root: in several studies, menopausal women given licorice supplements reported a reduction in hot flash severity or duration. Many compounds found in licorice root are also estrogenic, and can activate estrogen receptors in the body.

    Dandelion Root: dandelion metabolizes estrogen and also helps eliminate it, whether the estrogen is from natural sources or from artificial sources such as hormone-replacement therapy, plastics, or plants. The diuretic and detoxing nature of dandelion helps to regulate hormones facilitating removal of toxins through sweat, bile and urine which keeps metabolism and elimination working well.


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