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This blend was created to support the daily needs of your dog; skin, coat, joints and gut with essential vitamins and minerals, omegas and vitamin E. 


These blends are best fed with a raw/no soy diet. If using kibble, it is recommneded to be of high qualtiy with minimual processing. 


Blends are created for the average 50 lb. dog, 1 bag is approx a 30 day supply depending on weight and needs. 


K9 Essential Daily Support

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SKU: cess
PriceFrom $26.96
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • All herbs are 100% certified organic or wildcrafter and kosher!

    NON-GMO Camelina Meal: The "false flax" and far superior to flax and corpra meal. Camelina is unique. It's higher in ALA with a 2.4:1 ratio of omega 3s to omega 6s, making its shelf life is far better than flaxseed. It's resistant to oxidative rancidity, which makes it highly stable because of its incredibly high vitamin E content of 100 ml.Essential fatty acids are necessary for skin and coat health. A deficiency of omega-3 fats can lead to overly sensitive, itchy and inflamed skin. Shifting the ratio of essential fats more to what a horse would naturally be consuming in the wild may help to normalize inflammation in the skin and support skin health.


    Amalaki/Amla: India's traditional superfruit and one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Amla has been traditionally used to provide rejuvenation and as a tonic for overall health. Amla fruit contains ten to thirty times the Vitamin C of an orange. Also known for its rich source of nutrients, including vitamin C, amino acids, pectin, and antioxident-rich polyphenols such as tannins and gallic acid. Amalaki also has healing properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, helps with digestion, heart health, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial. Rejuenates body tissue. This is a powerhouse for not just our horses but dogs, cats and humans.

    Parsley: rich in vitamins A, C, and K, iron, folate, a variety of minerals, and also contains a variety of volatile oils, including myristin, which is thought to inhibit tumor formation, especially in the lungs, and histadine, an amino acid also found to inhibit tumor growth. Known as a  chemoprotective food because it may help neutralize a variety of carcinogens, including the benzopyrenes found in cigarette smoke.

    Oregano: contains calcium, fiber, iron, manganese, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains thymol and carvacrol, volatile oils that inhibit the growth of bacteria and contain many phytonutrients. Oregano is packed with antioxidants. In fact, it contains more antioxidant power than apples and blueberries. Research demonstrates that beta-caryophyllene, a chemical found in oregano, may inhibit inflammation. Scientists believe this anti-inflammatory effect may have an impact on the treatment of osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, and Crohn’s disease. Oregano tea soothes an upset stomach and chest congestion, and also helps relieve muscle pain.

    Peppermint: the antioxidants in mint may help protect your dog against cell oxidation and free radical damage that contribute to cancer. Its refreshing aroma can help freshen a dog’s bad breath. The rosmarinic acid in mint may relieve seasonal allergies in dogs. Additionally, the natural menthol in mint plants may act as a nasal decongestant. It's also very nutrient-rich: calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc. It also contains vitamin A, which strengthens your dog’s immune system and skin health and vitamin C for joint health.

    Sage: contains vitamins A, E, and K, and a variety of trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and astringent properties. Consider adding sage to your dog’s diet to help soothe his gastrointestinal tract. Sage leaves also contain rosmarinic acid, which can help support dogs with seasonal allergies.

    Basil: This herb is an excellent source of vitamin K, a very good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin A, and also provides dietary fiber, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, and potassium. Basil has antibacterial properties, acts as an anti-inflammatory, supports cardiovascular health, and helps protect against free radical damage.

    Calendula Flowers: who doesn't love this beautiful, bright little flower with some powerful healing properties. Calendula, when taken internally, can stimulate the immune system, aid in liver function and calm the nervous system. There are animal studies showing that the saponin found in calendula can inhibit the growth of some tumors. Calendula is know to fight infections both internally and externally. DO NOT USE IF YOUR DOG IS PREGNANT!!!!!

    *If you want to you use this blend and your dog is pregnant, messgae and we can customize this and remove the calendula. 

  • Feeding reccomendations are for daily serving and can be split into two doses. 


    Although these herbs are safe when fed in the proper dosage, please watch your pets carefully. Always start at a lower dosage and build up. If something seems wrong stop immediately and CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR/VET. * This is in no way a means to cure or diagnose your pets. 

    1-10lbs, 1 - 2 tsp daily 

    10-20lbs, 2 tsp - 1/4 tbsp daily

    20-50lbs, 1/4 tsp - 1/2 tbsp daily

    50-100lbs, 1/2 - 1 tbsp daily

    100lbs +, 1 - 2 tbsp daily

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