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Certified organic, certified kosher and/or wildcrafted.


This herbal blend was formulated to help provide the minerals and vitamins including silica, which all play a vital role in strengthening bones.


Available in 3 variations by cups. 

Due to the volume of some herbs, the amount of cups could weight as little as 2 oz or as much a 6 oz, more or in between. 

When you see 1 -2 tsp per cup, please know that 1 tsp spoon will get you more cups of tea, but 2 tsp will give more flavor, unless specified teaspoon amount.

Bone Support Herbal Tea Blend

Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
PriceFrom $22.46
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Certified organic/kosher

    Nettle Leaf: This leaf is known for it's the silica, which occurs in the fine needles, yielding 5mg of soluble silica, per 1 gram of nettle. Nettle is also high in amino acids, protein, flavonoids, and bone-building minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Nettle contains vitamins and minerals that can help keep your bones strong.

    Peppermint Leaf: Copper is part of a crucial trio of zinc and manganese, found in peppermint. Manganese is a Foundation Supplement that joins with copper and zinc to create a critical, bone-protecting antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase.

    Horsetail (shavegrass): Horsetail has been suggested as a treatment for osteoporosis (thinning bone), because it contains silicon, a mineral needed for bone health. Did you one study, 122 Italian women took horsetail dry extract or Osteosil calcium 270 mg twice daily (a horsetail/calcium combination used in Italy for osteoporosis and fractures). 

    Cat's Claw: because of cat's claw antiinflammatory properties, it has been know to lessen osteoarthritis symptoms. 

    Calendula: this herb has so many known healing properties. Because it has demonstrated anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities, it can help reduce your body's swelling, pain, and inflammation. It's why calendula is a popular treatment for inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or gingivitis.

    GInger Root: ginger calms inflammatory cytokines that weaken bone (Strong gut health and assimilation is key to optimum bone health.) Ginger also aids the body through its alkalizing actions and by its contribution to the production of glutathione, our most important inner-cellular antioxidant.

    Cinnamon Cassia: Did you know Two teaspoons of cinnamon contain almost half our daily need for manganese? This mineral is a potent antioxidant supporting both bone health and blood sugar control. Several other phytonutrients in cinnamon besides manganese also help prevent the demise of molecules.

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